Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Antartica's Wilkins Ice Shelf Eroding at an Unforeseen Pace

In Peter Spotts’ (2008) article entitled “Antarctica’s Wilkins ice shelf eroding at an unforeseen pace,” he states that ice shelf melting keeps increasing nowadays. He argues that Wilkins, which is the southernmost shelf, is vanishing seriously. And he said researchers are saying it is an unprecedented situation. Next, he states that glaciologists are concerned that Antarctica’s ice going to move to sea if there is no brake. Also, the author says that the greatest concern of West Antarctica’s buckling is that it is a place where scientists study about snowfall and ice loss. Last, he states that scientists attribute the global warming to various factors but other scientists say it’s a kind of period of ice age. In conclusion, he points out that scientists need to improve their model with precise mechanisms.

It is apparent that the author’s opinion is right in this article. Nowadays, the earth is getting a threat from global warming. Also, the sea level keeps rising every year because of sea warming. Therefore, the author’s idea of improving the models should be supported, because the earth’s global warming is going faster and faster.

First of all, global warming contributes to rising sea levels because of the melting of Antarctica’s shelf. It is surprising news and not a normal phenomenon. Already much of the ice shelf melted, and every year the sea level keeps rising now. According to this, a few islands have become soaked, and polar bears are moving somewhere to find another place. It seems like an unnatural situation, so we need to find an alternative way or find a solution.

Second, West Antarctica shouldn’t disappear; we should maintain it. The article said that West Antarctica is an important place to study snowfall and ice loss. Also, there are a lot of research complexes and many scientists are there to study. If that place just disappears, enormous cost and value in use will be gone. Also, the development of scientists’ study will retreat. Furthermore, they will not recover that place. Therefore, we need to find a solution and find a replaceable place.

Third, we need to prepare for both cases and then keep studying to find the reason and solution. There are some controversial issues about Wilkins Ice Shelf’s losing its ice is caused by global warming or a natural situation. The article said that scientists attribute that to the warming of the earth and higher temperatures of the sea, which are contributing to melting the ice shelf. However, other scientists argue that it is a period of the ice age. So, there is uncertain evidence.

In conclusion, the melting of Antarctica’s Ice shelf is a serious problem. The sea level is increasing, so islands are threatened and Antarctica’s animals leave to find another place. And it is an important place to study earth. So, people need to maintain that place to keep studying. However, there are some controversial issues and they still don’t know what the reason is. Therefore, many people need to develop their mechanism’s model and should study in those fields.


Spotts, P.N. (2008, March 28). Antarctica’s Wilkins ice shelf eroding at an unforeseen Pace. Retrieved May 20, 2008, from

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