Friday, April 4, 2008

Controversy blights UN net summit (S/R #1)

In Twist's (2005) article entitled "Controversy blights UN net summit," she stressed that Tunisian's human rights are controversial, and are a topic at a UN net summit. First of all, she states that many countries participated to support a summit for solutions. Next, she says that the government of Tunisia opposed a commitment to freedom of expression. In conclusion, the author states that even though UN and many countries support the Tunis commitment, there were still problems.

It is right that human should have their rights. However, they are still living in an old era because of their government. There is no way for them to have rights if governments do not want to agree with the summit. A Tunisian is a citizen of Tunis; therefore, the government should consider the release of the restriction of freedom of expression.

First, Tunisians should assert humans right strongly. This event is caused by whoever managers the net. Then, the summit of solutions was made by UN's attendance, but the nations approved admitted that funding is not enough. Many participating countries agree that every country needs technological development.

Next, Tunis also has lots of other global events, but at that time it's people's only the summit was focused on by civil society. However, the Tunisian government prevented their opportunity. In China, they agreed that restriction of freedom of speech was necessary online because of cyber security. Then, the secretary of the ITU said his goal is for everyone to be able to freely use the information society.

In conclusion, this event issued from the citizens of Tunisia. They had trouble with between their government. They assert that they don't have human rights. Also, they are in conflict with each other. In fact, the government has more power in Tunisia. So, even though many countries of the UN supported the summit, it was not approved. Now, they need to collect funds from supporting countries or have compromise with government.


Twist, J. (2005, November 18). Controversy blights UN net summit. BBC Retrieved March 24, 2008, from

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